Home Remedies – Sleep disorders

18th July 2018 By nehalroy

Lack of sleep is really very bad for health. Our body needs enough amount of sleep, thats 6-8 hours daily. That also affects our mental and emotional states. Long term sleep deprivation may have major chronic diseases as resultant. Medical issues like obesity, diabetes and heart related diseases are due to regular poor sleep routine. A proper good night sleep is very much necessary for a longer and healthier life.


Here are my remedies which you can try for a good night sleep :-

  • Before going to sleep, make sure you wash your hands and legs, do head oil massage. You will get a good sleep.
  • Consume 1/2 tsp honey.
  • Take 1/4th portion of nutmeg mixed with water and have it for good sleep.
  • Having Onion raita in dinner or before bedtimes gives good sleep.
  • Make a drink of fennel seeds, milk and whole sugar with water. Drink it chilled.
  • Calm down and meditate.
  • Try to listen to soft music.
  • Avoid caffeine.
  • Don’t consume tummy full heavy dinner.
  • Have enough gap between dinner and bedtime.
  • Spray your favourite room freshener in your bedroom to have great sleep.
  • Make sure you don’t have electronic devices in your bedroom, else try to minimize it. Turn cellphone on silent mode, keep it far away from your bed. so that you can have a relaxed mind and easy sleep.
  • Mute your brain activity by counting reverse numbers like from 100 to 1.
  • Take a hot/warm bath before going to bed.
  • Media curfew is really a best option if practised daily.
  • Darken your rooms and pray for 10-15 min before going to bed (Moms tip )